Ordering Heating Oil By Volume: Tips To Make Sure You Get Every Drop

In an industrial plant, heating oil may be crucial to a number of mechanical processes, not just for the purpose of heating the plant. As a purchasing agent for the company, it is up to you to cross every "t" and dot every "i", and that includes the regular shipments of heating oil. In your case, however, you have to buy heating oil in much larger bulk than if you were to buy it to heat a house. To make sure you get every drop the plant needs every month, here are a few helpful tips:

Know Exactly How Much Oil the Plant Needs Every Month

If you are taking over the job for a former purchasing agent, check and double-check the previous agent's numbers for oil purchases. Find out exactly how much oil each oil-burning machine needs, and buy a couple of extra gallons per machine for the first month that you are the one making the purchases. Keep track of which machines eat up the oil faster, and which ones consume it at a slower pace, leaving some oil left for the following month. If all of the machines are right on target for oil consumption according to the previous purchasing agent's numbers, you can follow his/her chart until something seems off. 

Make Gallons to Liter Conversions Correctly

You may have grown up understanding what a gallon was and what a liter was, but understanding which has more is neither here nor there when you are trying to compare one to one. What is more important when ordering heating oil is understanding that you comprehend gallons, but your factory machines require oil in liters. You will have to make the necessary conversions when you order oil in bulk, especially if the heating oil company sells oil by the gallon and not by the liter. The reverse process is also true. 

If Your Machines Run Low Quickly, Find out Why

Oil furnaces for heating run low in winter. They also run low when there are leaks. If it is the former, you can order extra to keep ahead of the cold weather. If it is the latter, you and the rest of the employees really need to buck up your game and find those leaks. If you do not, it is going to cost the company a lot of extra money to replace the oil that is lost through leaks. 
